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Chin Liposuction

As you age, it’s common for skin to loosen and fat deposits to build up in the chin area. This double chin effect is usually caused by a combination of aging and genetics, and it can happen to anyone, no matter their weight. While a double chin is a common occurrence, it can greatly affect your self-confidence and the way you see yourself.

Fortunately, chin liposuction is a very simple in-office procedure that can be used to sculpt and shape your jawline. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and only takes about 30 minutes to complete! Take a look at our double chin surgery before and after photos to see some of the amazing results liposuction can achieve.

Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of chin liposuction. Afterward, schedule your no-pressure consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons.

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What is Double Chin Removal Surgery?

Chin liposuction, also known as submental liposuction, is performed in order to contour the jawline and get rid of excess fat or the dreaded “double chin.” Many people have unwanted fat in this area, and liposuction can create a sculpted, more defined jawline. This procedure is low-commitment and can be performed by handheld liposuction techniques in the office, using only local anesthesia.

We may also use, Kybella™, submentoplasty, a facelift, or a neck lift to help you achieve the results you’re looking for. The most well-known alternative is Kybella™. Kybella™ is an injection that can dissolve subcutaneous fat and is approved for use in the submental area.

This method does require a few treatments spaced apart and has a similar downtime to liposuction. If you aren’t sure which method is best for you, we would be happy to discuss your options during your consultation.

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Benefits of Double Chin Removal in Chicago

Double chin liposuction provides many benefits including a more sculpted jawline, a slimmer appearance, and boosted self-confidence. Best of all, this procedure permanently removes fat cells, meaning your double chin will not return as long as you keep a stable weight.

Unlike other fat removal modalities, such as Kybella or Coolsculpting, chin liposuction  does not require multiple sessions!

Chin liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat from the chin and neck area through a small incision. It is typically performed under local anesthesia and requires some downtime for recovery. However, it can provide more significant results than non-surgical options and is a one-time treatment.

Kybella is an injectable treatment that uses deoxycholic acid to break down and absorb fat cells in the chin area. It requires several treatments and can cause some swelling, redness, and bruising, which can last for several days.

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical procedure that uses controlled cooling to freeze and destroy fat cells in the chin area. The results are gradual, and multiple treatments may be necessary to achieve the desired outcome.

How Does Chin Liposuction Work?

How Does Chin Liposuction Work?

We make a small incision under the chin and use a cannula to perform handheld liposuction, which removes unwanted fat from this area. The area is numbed prior to performing liposuction. Once the numbing medication is injected, we will let that sit for 15-20 minutes in order to decrease bleeding and bruising after the procedure.  Many times, the skin will contract and tighten as well, leaving a more contoured defined jawline.


Am I A Good Candidate?

Am I A Good Candidate?

If you have excess fat under your chin or aren’t pleased with your jawline, you could be a good candidate for submental liposuction. With in-office chin liposuction, we are able to target the subcutaneous fat of the chin and jawline. Although liposuction does not primarily tighten skin, it can tighten the skin in this area as a secondary effect. However, some patients may require skin tightening if the skin is too loose. For individuals that will benefit from additional skin tightening, we will discuss FaceTite by InMode during your consultation.

What to Expect From the Procedure?

What to Expect From the Procedure?

Chin liposuction is easily performed in-office with local anesthesia. The procedure itself is very quick and easy, taking about 30 minutes or so. The area is numbed up with local anesthesia and then handheld liposuction is performed. Once the fat is removed, you are left with a contoured and defined jawline.

How is Recovery?

How is Recovery?

You will leave our clinic with a compression wrap. We recommend wearing a compression garment around the clock for the first 5-7 days. You may have some tenderness througout the treatment area that can be controlled with over the counter Ibuprofen and/or Tylenol. Bruising and swelling commonly decreases over the first week.

Typically, you will see results as soon as the bruising and swelling resolve. As a general rule, we like to wait about 3 months to make final judgments on the result. If you have any concerns about potential side effects, talk to your doctor during your consultation.

When Will I See Results?

The time it takes to see final results after chin liposuction can vary from person to person. Generally, you may notice some initial improvement in the contour of your chin and neck area soon after the procedure, but it can take several weeks to months to see the full results.

During the first few weeks after the procedure, you may experience some swelling and bruising, which can make it difficult to see the final results. However, as the swelling subsides and the tissues heal, you will begin to notice a more defined and contoured chin and neck area.

Most people can expect to see their final results around 3 to 6 months after the procedure, although this can vary depending on the extent of the surgery and the individual’s healing process. It is important to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully to ensure optimal healing and the best possible results.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation

Schedule Your Initial Consultation

Learn more about chin liposuction during your initial consultation at Northwestern Specialists in Plastic Surgery. Our doctors are committed to patient education, and we work with you to determine which procedures and techniques will best help you achieve your goals.

We want you to feel excited about the future and confident with your decision to move forward with treatment. When you’re ready to learn more about your options, simply call (312) 266-6240 or reach out online to schedule your consultation.

Chin Liposuction FAQs

Read All FAQs →

How long will chin liposuction results last?

Liposuction results are essentially permanent. We are born with a set number of fat cells, and once these fat cells are removed from this area, you will likely not gain as much weight in this area. However, not every cell is removed, so an excessive fluctuation in weight changes following the procedure may influence the results.

There are minimal risks and side effects to this procedure. Bruising and swelling are normal with any procedure. Risk of bleeding and infection are very minimal. You can experience numbness in the area, but normal sensation should return as your nerves recover after surgery.

The downtime for this procedure is generally minimal, especially when it is performed in the office under local anesthesia. Because the handheld liposuction technique is gentle, the bruising and swelling are less severe than other forms of liposuction. You should expect some bruising and swelling over the first few days, but the majority of this should dissolve over the next few weeks. Immediately after the procedure you will likely leave wrapped up in an ACE wrap to provide some support and compression to the area. This can help reduce the swelling quicker, and most will find it comfortable to wear for the first few days. After a few days, the bruising and swelling should be minimal enough that no one else will notice you had something done.

You may have some improvement of your profile with chin liposuction. However, some patients may have more dramatic results with combining chin liposuction and a chin implant.

Chin liposuction is our most popular in office procedure that is done under local anesthesia.

Yes! Chin liposuction is most commonly combined with our non-surgical skin tightening modality, FaceTite by InmodeAesthetics. There are other procedures you can combine chin liposuction with that can be further discussed during your consultation.

Contact Us Today!

Northwestern Specialists
in Plastic Surgery

676 N St Clair Street, Suite 1575
Chicago, IL 60611

Monday-Friday: 8a-5p
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Northwestern Med Spa Streeterville

676 N St Clair Street, Suite 1575
Chicago, IL 60611

Monday: 8a-6p
Tuesday-Thursday: 8a-7p
Friday: 9a-5p
Saturday: 9a-2p
Sunday: Closed

Northwestern Med Spa River North

3 E Huron Street, 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60611

Monday-Thursday: 10a-7p
Friday: 9a-5p
Saturday: 9a-2p
Sunday: Closed

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